Material Safety Data Sheets Insulating Paper
Product and Company Identification
(Page 1 may be used as an emergency safety sheet)
Trade name: Insulating Paper
Chemical abstract no.: None
Chemical family:
NIOSH no.: None
Chemical name: Paper
Hazchem code: None
Synonyms: Paper
UN no.: None
Hazardous components: -
EEC classification: -
Hazards Identification
Main hazard: None
Flammability: Not flammable
Chemical hazard: None
Biological hazard: None
Reproductive hazard: None Eyes effects: eyes: None
Health effects - skin: None
Health effects – ingestion: None
Health effects – inhalation: None
Carcinogenicity: -
Mutagenicity: -
First Aid Measures
Product in eye: Not required
Product on skin: Not required
Product ingested: Not required
Product inhaled: Not required
Fire Fighting Measures
Extinguishing media: Water, Carbon dioxide, dry chemical powder or foam
Special hazards: None.
Protective clothing: None.
Accidental Release Measures
Personal Precautions: No special measures required
Environmental precautions: Not required
Decontamination Procedures: No special measures required
Handling and Storage
Handling: Caution when handling heavy rolls, no further requirements
Storage: Store in dry conditions
Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Technical measures for exposure controls: No requirements
Physical and Chemical Properties
Appearance: Natural or black
Odour: Mild
pH: 6-8 in aqueous solution
Boiling point: N/A
Meting point: N/A
Flash point: No development of volatile and inflammable vapours till process of combustion
Flammibility: None
Autoflammibility: None
Explosive properties: None
Oxidizing properties: Not applicable
Vapour pressure: None
Density: 0.8 –1.1 g/cm3
Solubility - water: Insoluble
Stability and Reactivity
Conditions to avoid: None
Materials to avoid: None
Hazardous decomposition products: None
Toxicological Information
Acute toxicity: Non-toxic
Skin and eye contact: -
Chronic toxicity: -
Carcinogenicity: -
Mutagenicity: -
Neurotoxicity: -
Reproductive hazards: -
Ecological Information
Aquatic toxicity - fish: Unlikely to be hazardous to aquatic life
Aquatic toxicity – daphnia : Unlikely to be hazardous
Aquatic toxicity – algae : Unlikely to be hazardous
Biodegradability: Decomposes in Nature
Bio-accumulation: -
Mobility: -
Disposal Considerations
Disposal methods: Disposal should be in accordance with local, regional or national legislation.
Transport Information
Paper is not classified as dangerous for transport.
Regulatory Information
Risk phrases: None
Safety phrases: None
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